Online yoga classes provide a convenient solution for adding physical movement to your routine. By practicing yoga online, you get to interact with your instructor while remaining in the comfort of your home. During yoga classes, your instructor teaches you poses that can improve your physical and mental well-being. Here are some poses you may learn in your online yoga sessions and their benefits:
Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
The easy pose is a beginner’s pose that aids in relaxation and eases stress and mental fatigue. This pose also opens the hips and helps you stretch your chest and spine. You may notice an improvement in your body posture after practicing the easy pose for some time. To do the easy pose, sit on the ground with each of your legs tucked under the opposite thigh. Straighten your back and place your hands on each knee, then slowly inhale and exhale.
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
The mountain pose is another yoga pose for improving your posture. To perform this pose, stand straight with your feet together and arms on the side to open your chest. During online yoga classes, your instructor may ask you to focus on the sensations in your legs and back and observe how the tips of your fingers point to the ground when performing the mountain pose. You may have imbalances in your shoulders if one side is upright and the other one angles downward. Consistently practicing the mountain pose strengthens your leg muscles and improves your body alignment.
Baby Pigeon Pose
The baby pigeon pose may be challenging for beginners, but once you master it you may notice an increase in your hip flexibility. Besides opening up your hips, the baby pigeon pose strengthens your glutes and opens up your lower back. Kneel with your back straight and place your hands on the ground slightly in front of you to do the baby pigeon pose. While propping yourself up with your hands, move your right knee forward in between your hands and stretch your left leg straight behind you in a pose similar to doing a lunge. Rotate your right knee towards your right wrist and lay it down with your calf touching the floor, then lower your upper body over the bent leg until you rest on your elbows. Hold the pose for a few seconds as you breathe in and out, then switch to the other leg.
Downward-facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
If you have been experiencing tension in your spine and hamstrings, the downward-facing dog is a great yoga pose to stretch them out. This exercise also helps calm your nervous system and sculpt your legs. The downward-facing dog starts with your knees on the ground and your hands in front of you with palms down on the mat. Exhale and lift your knees off the mat and straighten your arms to form a “V” with your body. As you lift your lower body towards the ceiling, stretch your heels towards the floor and keep your back straight.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
The bridge pose strengthens your back, core, and glutes, and improves blood circulation. To do this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and your legs parallel to each other. Bring your arms to your sides with your palms facing downwards and lift your hips off the floor. Hold the pose for as long as you can while taking deep breaths.
Sign Up for Online Yoga Classes
Practicing yoga strengthens your body, improves your flexibility, and calms the mind. Online yoga is a convenient option if your schedule does not allow you to commute to physical yoga classes. Practicing yoga at home helps you establish a consistent exercise routine because you do not face barriers like the weather or traffic. Sign up for online yoga classes today to learn diverse poses with varied benefits for your mind and body.